I love January. That may be a rather unpopular opinion, but the fresh start, crisp days and slower pace to begin the year are all things I am happy to indulge in.

For us, January began with us still wrapped up in the excitement of the festive season. Each Christmas we gift our daughter an experience, which gives her (and us) something lovely to look forward to after the excitement of the big day has passed. This year we went to London. Whilst my daughter and husband went to see the Stranger Things show, I took myself off to the British Museum to indulge in some history. The Sutton Hoo exhibition is one of my favourites!


January has also been a time for enjoying one of our family passions, hiking. We love big family walks in stunning natural landscapes. Our daughter loves to explore the countryside with us and it has become one of our favourite weekend activities. This month has given us some utterly gorgeous sights with the weather adding to the beautiful scenery.



Weekends with slow mornings and croissants from The Little Brunette Bakery.

Finding great new coffee places. The French Press in Southwell is highly recommended.

Wearing my new moonstone necklace on repeat. A Christmas gift from Last Night I Dreamt.



Mushroom coffee has been a daily go-to for a few months now. Swapping out my second coffee of the day for this delicious alternative. I love the ‘Flow’ blend from London Nootropics.

Mood boarding has been high on the agenda this month with lots of plans and changes underway in my business. I always find this a great way to focus my thoughts.



Amongst some new beginnings of client websites and design projects this month, I have also been putting the final touches to my own brand re-design.

My business turns 10 at the end of January, which is a huge milestone for any small business and it felt like a good time to give my own brand and website a revamp as it moves into its next phase.

I am beyond grateful for the support of my loyal clients over the past 10 years. Some have been with me since the very beginning! I am also in shock at how many amazing businesses I have been lucky enough to work with in that time. I have created over 120 websites for a whole range of unique makers, creators and entrepreneurs and worked with so many more to help their businesses thrive.

Running a small business is incredibly hard work, until you have experienced this yourself the realities are often unseen and I have so much gratitude for working alongside so many amazing independents who are striving to make their businesses a success. They inspire me to keep going within my own business and it has been a real joy to work alongside so many inspirational people over the last 10 years.

Next month I can’t wait to share with you a couple of new projects that I have been working on with clients this year already.